Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mini Show

I made it through the first week of school. This semester seems like it's going to be fun. I managed to complete five pen and ink drawings to submit to a show on campus. They're super tiny! The show is for mini works in any media with a size maximum of six by six by six inches. XD

This is one of the five drawings I did. It's an inch by an inch and a half in real size. Each drawing represents a character from a story. I'm actually pretty thrilled with how they turned out. I'm hoping they make it into the show. ^__^

In other news.. Kyou Kara Maou is coming out with a new season! Yaay! :D There will be a 3rd season coming out in April of 2008. I hope it's good! I just watched three of the five OVA episodes. I'd like to watch the last two, but they aren't subbed yet. ^_^; I can be patient. Really.. >>;

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