Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Summer of Awesome!

Wow! It's like every one of my favorite animes have decided to make a new season this summer! This is unbelievable. I'm so psyched. First on the list is..

Kyou Kara Maou 3rd Season

There will supposedly be 39 episodes total. It started airing in Japan
on April 3rd, 2008. There are already a few episodes subbed. The
first few were quite jam packed, so I'm anxious for more! Oh! Don't
forget to check out the OVAs, Kyou Kara Maou R, too. ^_^
(OVA Official Site) (Japanese)
(Official Site) (Japanese)

K-G 2

Alright! More Kiddy Grade! It's set to release sometime this summer.
There'll be some new characters in the mix and hopefully we'll get to
see more of the old characters. (As I was left wondering about most of
them in the first series..)
(Official Site) (Japanese)


This was a shocker. How many years has it been since TRY? I thought
my Slayers days were forever to be only sweet (hilarious) memories. We
can expect to see all the characters return with all their original voice
actors and actresses. However, I don't know much more than that! I
believe it is set to release June 2008.
(Official Site) (Japanese)